You Are Christians print by Frank Weston (Print for the Narthex)

$ 12.00

Describing what a Christian is, how they are to live. Beautiful print suitable for framing. Hang in church, chapel, narthex, parish hall, etc. Text by Bishop Weston of Zanzibar. Printed in two colors on heavy antique stock. Size 10 3/4 X 15 (each)


 While some Anglicans today do not remember the name of the famous Bishop of Zanzibar (1907-1924), Bp. Frank Weston (1871-1924), countless Anglicans remember his words spoken at one of the well-known series of Anglo-Catholic Congresses, held in England. At his concluding Address, at the Second Anglo-Catholic Congress of 1923, talking about the many privileges that Anglo-Catholics now had in terms of being able to worship as England had been able to do pre-16th century, and for most of Her history, nonetheless, his concern was that some had helped restore the worship without restoring the people. Being a staunch Anglo-Catholic, he knew that what we do at the Altar is also reflected in what we do "in the streets." If Jesus Christ is our King, and the Mass is a foretaste of Heaven to be with the King for all eternity, then we must treat His "subjects" with love, dignity, and respect.

 In his final charge he says,

"Go out and look for Jesus in the ragged, in the naked, in the oppressed and sweated, in those who have lost hope, in those who are struggling to make good. Look for Jesus. And when you see him, gird yourselves with his towel and try to wash their feet."

 In 2015 at the International Catholic Congress of Anglicans, at St. Andrew's Church in Fort Worth Texas, the current Bishop of Zanzibar - a country where Christianity cannot easily be lived out freely - stepped into the Pulpit and read the entire charge to the Assembly. The context is now different, but the message is the same.

 Since the 1930's, The Parish Press has been privileged to have the rights to the Cards that have been in countless Narthexes in virtually every country in the world. These Narthex cards were at one time a mark of all Anglo-Catholic Parishes in the United States.

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